Open letter of support – FAST-Infra label consultation
The Sustainable Markets Initiative announces its strategic partnership with a new scheme, developed by the ‘FAST-Infra’ initiative (Finance to Accelerate the Sustainable Transition).
Download the full Press Release
The FAST-Infra label is designed to help close the trillion-dollar sustainable infrastructure gap. Its is a priority workstream within the SMI’s Financial Services Task Force (alongside the Taskforce champions from the Asset Managers & Asset Owners and Insurance Taskforces).
As part of its work, FAST-Infra is developing a Sustainable Infrastructure Label (SI Label). This is intended to be a globally applicable label to designate infrastructure projects that fit within the sustainable infrastructure asset class through their positive contribution to sustainability criteria. The SI Label is currently under consultation, providing an opportunity for market participants to present feedback on the product’s suitability as a vehicle to transform sustainable infrastructure into a mainstream, liquid asset class. We call on all interested market participants to take part in the consultation process
Details regarding the consultation are available here
The deadline for submitting comments for the consultation is 17:00UKT on Tuesday 31 August 2021.